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Reference for the people who are suffering from insomnia

Time:2020-08-13    Browse:    Source:网络    Author:佚名 - Small + Big

1. Sleep on regular time every day

Prepare to go to bed during 9:30pm-10: 30pm every night, and it’s better to go asleep before 11:00pm, wake up naturally during 4:00--7:00 next morning.   So that there is enough deep sleep, and have completely rest. Go to bed and get up on regular time every day, make the body be used to sleep on time.

2 .Prepare for a relaxing sleep

Do more activities in the sun (do not wearing sunglasses and bring sunshade,),that activities can produce happiness hormone, which not only anti-anxiety and depression, but also makes melatonin be easier synthesis; eating light dinner with less meat and eat to about 60%-80% of fullness, eating some millet congee, the tryptophan in it can make the nervous system quiet and happy; do walking , yoga and other leisure activities half an hour before go to bed, that will help body release psychological pressure; have a hot foot bath can smooth meridian patency, listening to relax music and meditation are benefit to make heart quiet.

3 .sleep in a completely dark environment  

The pineal gland of the human brain rules the body's circadian clock, which secretes melatonin when the eye is completely unable to reach light, which helps us sleep.

4. Do not eat and drink two hours before bedtime

The relationship between diet and sleep is very close, if people drink coffee before going to bed it is possible to feel sleepless and may sit until next dawn; eat too full and eat a lot of animal food (including tyrosine excited nervous system etc.) during dinner will also affect sleep; people who are not adapted to go to sleep without  dinner, if they suddenly go to bed with hungry, will be very difficult to go asleep. It’s better to stop all diet completely 2 ~ 3 hours before bedtime

5. Keep a happy mood

Psychological is the most common factors among the many reasons of insomnia. The method to relax your mind is as following: let you consciousness don't follow any imagination or event, put all the attention to your body's natural feelings (such as breath in and out, palm’s feeling) only focus on the feeling of small scope of the body, do not imagine, once found the consciousness following in some fantasy then immediately make it back to the local feeling, to do so will conducive to the quiet heart.

6 Don’t look forward to sleep anxiously

People who are often insomnia will worry about "can't sleep" in the heart, so if you do so it will make “All wishes come true "! Don't think sleep is a hard task, just lie down and sleep, just do (sleep).  If you cannot sleep at once, don’t look forward to sleep anxiously, but should be allowed to not sleep quietly, focus on feeling of your breath or palms and feet, just feel it without control and change it, don't analyze it, just keeping perceiving it, that will benefit to sleep, even you still can’t fall asleep that also can make body and mind rest.


7 .wake up naturally in the morning, get up immediately to start a new day of life, do not go back to sleep and miss the best time to excrete.

Good sleep is part of good health, and all factors that may affect health also affect sleep. 

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